Ready-to-Read classes for preschoolers resume Thursday, Aug. 18, at 10:30 a.m. with an orientation to the library, and will meet each Thursday thereafter unless announced otherwise.
The Book Club will meet Tuesday, Aug. 23 (a change from our regular meeting time) at 7 p.m. at the library to discuss Sanibel Flats.
We are hoping to get some great national park pictures as we continue to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our national parks! Pictures may be turned in for our photo contest through Aug. 26. Bring in your 5x7 picture with your name, phone number and the name of the park where the photo was taken.
We will have a display of maps, pictures, books and other items from national parks at the library, as well as the photos people turn in. Come by any time to browse through those.
Last week I asked which national park is the largest and which is the smallest. The largest, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, is found in the largest state, Alaska. Wrangell-St. Elias is an unbelievable 13 million acres. The smallest national park is Hot Springs, Arkansas, with a mere 5,000 acres.
If you’re interested in the national parks, I recommend viewing the 3D movie on national parks that is currently being shown at the IMAX Theater downtown in Chattanooga. It’s amazing.
Do you know which national park is the oldest? How about the newest?