Trenton Telephone/TVN, Dade's local provider of telephone, internet and cable television services, on Wednesday announced the
winner of its annual "Cover Page" photo contest. A photograph by Julia Pace, pictured here (right) with Audrey Clark, TVN's marketing director, will adorn the front of the 2016 Trenton phone directory. In addition to the chance to show off her photography, Ms. Pace as first-prize winner claimed the brand-new LED television shown here.
Trenton Tel/TVN would not release a copy of Ms. Pace's winning photograph. To see that, said Ms. Clark coyly, you must wait for the new phonebook. But she promises the directories are due to arrive soon by mail, or you may drop by the Trenton Tel office on First Street to pick up your free copy.
As in previous years, TVN will display other photographs submitted for the contest on the home page of its website,
Ms. Clark also took the occasion to announce that the company had completed laying fiber optic in more Sand Mountain neighborhoods. On Highway 3010 North, fiber optic internet, television and bundled services are now available from White Oak Baptist Church to the Alabama state line, including on some of the secondary roads off 301. Call Trenton Telephone at (706) 657-4329 to see if fiber optic service is available where you live.
But the work continues, and Ms. Clark regretfully reported the company is still holding off on announcing a rollout date for its long-awaited and much-anticipated new 1-gig-per-second local internet service.
Ms. Clark did hint she might be allowed to leak a little more about the "The Independent State of Gig" at tonight's September meeting of the Dade County Commission, due to begin at 6 p.m. in the county Administrative Building.