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Library News: Join the Book Club This Year!

We had quite a long discussion of How We Got To Now at our recent Book Club meeting. November’s selection will be Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham. Read it and join us for that discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 7 p.m. at the library. If you have thought about joining the Book Club, but haven’t taken the plunge, at our December meeting, we choose the books we will read and discuss next year. That meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 20. We nominate books and vote on them. If you are interested in joining us, this would be a good time to do it.

Remember we will have Food For Fines in the month of November. Bring one can of food for each dollar in fines that are owed, up to 10. Patrons have to keep their fines under $10 to be able to check items out. The canned food will go to the Tri-State Food Pantry.

Our last Ready-to-Read program was about Halloween and there were games for the kids to play and treats for them to collect and take home. The library participated in Trick or Treat Alley on Saturday and kids were welcomed to the library by the characters from The Wizard of Oz.

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