Family Movie Day is Wednesday, November 23, at 1 p.m. We will be showing Finding Dory and there will be popcorn! Free to the whole family.
The library will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 24-25, for Thanksgiving holidays. If you need to return something, drop it in the book drop on the corner. The library will reopen on Saturday, November 26, at 10 a.m.
Thinking about buying a new tablet or e-reader for someone for Christmas, but you are not sure which one would suit? Come and try ours out at the library. We have Surface-Pro, I-Pad Pro and Wacom tablets which can be checked out and used inside the library. We also have Kindles that can be checked out and taken home to use. We also have 3-D glasses that can be used in conjunction with your cellphone.
We had a good crowd again at our Book Club meeting last week and we’re happy to have some new folks attending. At our next meeting, which will be Tuesday, December 20, at 7 p.m., we will not discuss a book, but we will nominate and choose books to be read next year. And we will have a Christmas party as well. So if you’ve thought about joining a book club, this would be a good time.