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Possible Chop Shop on Sand Mountain

Bulletin: Dade County Sheriff Ray Cross called an impromptu news conference today atop Sand Mountain to announce that he and his investigators had made two arrests at 1497 Porter Road. The Silverado truck shown in the background had been recognized as one reported stolen on Sunday, and various other car parts present on the scene led the officers to suspect--though Sheriff Cross is not yet making any accusations--that it may be a question of a "chop shop," or processing site for stolen vehicles.

The sheriff said the truck would be returned to its rightful owner when the investigation was complete.

Sheriff Cross is shown here with Investigator Cindy Thurman. Investigator Don Hicks, also present, said that the sheriff and his officers had been on the mountain in any case to investigate the three suspicious fires there on Monday.

Check these pages on Friday for more details.

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