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Writer's pictureRobin Ford Wallace

Jed Henderson Named 2017 STAR Student for DCHS

Dade High STAR student Jed Henderson (center) and his favorite teacher, Tonya Gatlin, show off their plaques flanked by Optimists (left to right) Peter Cervelli, Alison Henderson (incidentally the brainy senior's mother) and Don Townsend.

The Trenton-Dade Optimist Club is pleased to announce that Jed Charles Henderson has been named the 2017 STAR Student for Dade County High School. He has selected as his STAR Teacher Tonya Gatlin.

Young Henderson, a senior at DCHS, was accompanied at an Optimist Club luncheon in his honor on Wednesday by Ms. Gatlin as well as by Josh Ingle and Mitzi Davenport, principal and guidance counselor at the school, respectively. Dade Schools Superintendent Dr. Jan Harris also attended to congratulate Jed and his parents. The luncheon took place at Guthrie's Chicken in Trenton.

The PAGE Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program, now in its 59th year, is cosponsored by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) Foundation and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. Since its inception, the STAR program has honored nearly 26,000 students and the teachers they have

selected as having had the most influence on their academic success.

To obtain the STAR nomination, high school seniors must have the highest score on a single test date on the three-part SAT and be in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of their class based on gradepoint average.

The STAR process begins each year in participating high schools throughout Georgia when the STAR Student is named and chooses a STAR Teacher to share in this recognition. Then the students and their teachers are honored by their schools and receive special recognition in their communities from one of the more than 165 statewide civic organizations and businesses that serve as local sponsors of the

STAR program--in this case the Optimists.

Students then compete for school system titles, and those winners compete for region honors. Region Winners compete for the honor of being named State PAGE STAR Student.

As a 501(c)(3) organization, the PAGE Foundation supports PAGE, encouraging and receiving charitable gifts that advance the association’s core business and PAGE Foundation programs such as PAGE STAR, PAGE Foundation Scholarships, the PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades, the PAGE Georgia Academic Decathlon and PAGE TV. To learn more about the PAGE Foundation and to donate, please visit

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