“For the past couple of years we have been working on opening the office on Saturdays to accompany the people who are unable to make it to the office during our regular office hours,” said DeKalb County Sheriff Jimmy Harris in a press release this morning. “Starting Saturday, April 1, 2017, the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office will be open from 8 :00 to 3:45. We will open for people to pick up reports and to renew their pistol permits.”
“We feel like this will help people who are unable to make it down here during the week to renew a pistol permit or to get a report,” said the sheriff.
Sheriff Harris said the workers who staff his office are going to rotate their days off and take one day off during the week when they work a Saturday so that there will be no overtime expense to the county.
The Sheriff's office encourages citizens who want to visit on Saturday to stop by before 3:45 p.m. There will only be one person working and it takes a certain amount of time to pull a report or renew a pistol permit. The idea, reminds Harris, is not to generate overtime.
The office is also looking into a computer program that will assist citizens in renewing pistol permits online.
Chief Deputy Michael Edmondson commented: “This is just another way for us to make the DeKalb County Sheriff’s office more accessible to the citizens of DeKalb County.”