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Writer's pictureRobin Ford Wallace

Festival of Life on Saturday: "We have got to take care of each other."

Dade's fourth annual Festival of Life is this Saturday, April 8, and the Dade County Commission took the opportunity of its regular monthly meeting on Thursday to get the FOL work team and recipients together for an appreciation and photo op.

Dade County Executive Chairman (left) read an announcement proclaiming April 8 Festival of Life Day and the entire month of April a celebration of the lives of this year's beneficiaries.

The Festival of Life is a local benefit that each year raises funds to alleviate the hardships of Dade residents suffering from life-changing illness. This year, there are two, Karen Gass and Brenda Kesler Gas (first two women on left).

Chief organizers of the festival are Rumley's wife, Diane (far right) and Cindy (Mrs. Sheriff Ray) Cross (second from right, holding child).

Ms. Cross announced that tomorrow's FOL activities on the Trenton town square would include a cornhole tournament, a health and wellness fair staged by the Dade Public Library, a petting zoo, an Easter egg hunt and live entertainment all day long. FOL has merged with the "Spring Fling" festivities of Trenton Methodist this year, she said.

She stressed that all food this year will be provided for free-will donations and that families with multiple children should not stay away because "I can't go and feed all those kids."

"We have got to take care of each other," said Ms. Cross. "Those kids who come here, they're going to get to eat."

She urged all to turn out and participate in Saturday's celebrations. "This is about the unity of this county," she said.

As detailed in an earlier Planet story, the festival begins at 9 a.m. with a 5K walk/run in honor of year 1 FOL beneficiary Kelly Moore. Registration for that begins at 8 a.m.

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