Stop the presses! Things have changed.
Earlier in the day, The Planet reported that the Georgia Department of Transportation would replace the Highway 299 bridge on I-24 the weekend of May 5-7, coinciding with the Dade County Sheriff's benefit May 6. Major Tommy Bradford, chief deputy, confirmed that GDOT had announced the date to the department a week or two earlier, and discussed with The Planet whether the coincidence would affect law enforcement in Dade.
But late in the afternoon, GDOT's Andrew Hoenig emailed as follows:
"The weekend is currently scheduled for May 13/14, weather dependent."
The weekend of May 13-14 coincides with another important Dade event, the Art and Craft Celebration at Cloudland Canyon--but as far as The Planet knows should have less impact on local law enforcement.
Hoenig confirmed that a scheduled public information meeting about the bridge replacement would in fact take place at 4 p.. next Thursday, April 27, at North Georgia Worship Center.
The public is welcome, and Hoenig and his staff will be present to answer any questions.