Photo of last year's Glow Run furnished by Dade First
Dade County's second annual "Glow Run," a 1-mile walk/run to raise awareness of child abuse, begins at 8 p.m. tonight, Friday, April 28, at the Dade County High School track. The event is cosponsored by Dade First/Family Connection and the Dade County Library.
Pre-registration is over but that just means there may not be a free glow-in-the-dark event T-shirt in your size. But you're still welcome to attend this free event and you can even still get a T-shirt if supplies hold out!
Booths with information related to children, fostering, etc. will be set up from 8-9 p.m. At 9 p.m., Erin Conway will briefly give her story of abuse and how she overcame it, and advise the audience of signs to look for in children of abuse or neglect. After this, the one-mile walk/run will take place around the DCHS track.
Glow sticks and other glow accessories will be available as well. Northwest Georgia has a high rate of child abuse and neglect, so awareness is important.
The theme of the Glow Run is: Through the broken pieces, the light will shine!