Since spring and warm weather are here to stay, we hope, let me remind you that if you plan to visit Cloudland Canyon State Park, you might want to come by the library and check out our FREE parking pass. We have four of them when they are all in.
Join us in Ready-to-Read for a trip Under the Sea to visit the creatures which live there. Reading and crafts, fun for all. It begins at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday.
We’re finding that putting a book together is time-consuming! Our library manager, Marshana Sharp, and volunteer Seth Houts have put in many hours, with a little help from Donna Street and me. We hope it will be ready soon. We want to thank all the people who have sent in additional photos for the picture book. It’s organized around the theme, “Dade County is scenic, historic and full of characters.” We hope we have “captured” the essence of Dade County.
Before we know it, it will be time to sign up for Summer Reading. Come help us “Build a Better World” with reading and activities. Signups begin May 15. Come by the library and get your packet. The kickoff party will be on Thursday, June 1, and the Summer Reading program will run from June 1 to July 15. We have some great programs planned!