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DeKalb Farmer Finds Body in Field

A body found in rural DeKalb County on Tuesday remains unidentified.

DeKalb County Sheriff Jimmy Harris said in a press release today that his office had received a call Tuesday from a farmer on County Road 820 in the Grove Oak community about a vehicle he had found in a field. When deputies arrived to check out his report, they found a body close to the vehicle. An investigation was started.

The body has not yet been positively identified, and Sheriff Harris’s office did not immediately indicate a sex or approximate age of the deceased. Jacksonville State University Center for Applied Forensics came to the site to help with processing of the scene. The body was then removed to the Department of Forensics Science in Montgomery for an autopsy.

This is still an ongoing investigation and the sheriff regrets he has no further information to release at this time.

Chief Deputy Michael Edmondson says, “Thank you to the Jacksonville State University Center for Applied Forensics for their assistance on this case.”

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