Dade County Superintendent of Schools Jan Harris announced that all Dade County schools will observe the solar eclipse due to darken Dade on Aug. 21 with age-appropriate, standards-based activities designed to be safe and engaging.
Pre-K through 5th grade will view the eclipse virtually. There will be optional outdoor viewings for 6th through 12th graders.
The safety of system students will be the first consideration during this viewing, stressed Dr. Harris. To inform the parents of this activity and the potential risks, a permission slip will be sent home so parents and guardians may decide if their student views the eclipse outdoors, wearing protective eye gear, or indoors virtually. Only students who return the permission slip designated for outdoor viewing will observe the eclipse outside the school buildings.
In this rare event, 99 percent of the sun will be covered by the moon. From 1-2:35 p.m., some students may make several trips outdoors to view the different phases of the eclipse while others will view the eclipse through a virtual experience. All schools will have the media center or another designated area available so that the eclipse may be viewed virtually.
Protective glasses will be provided for all students and adults who will be involved in viewing the historical event.
Adjustments to the regular school schedule will be made since the eclipse event will occur around 2:35 p.m. The school day will be extended 30 minutes.
Dismissal times follow: Dade Elementary - 3:45 p.m., Davis Elementary - 3:50 p.m., Dade Middle School - 3:25 p.m., and Dade County High School 3:35 p.m.
Parents may sign students out after 11:30 a.m. without penalty if they wish to view the eclipse with their child at home.