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Warm Up at the Library During Saturday Christmas Events

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the library. Tell your young ones that they can send Santa a letter at one of our three mailboxes in the library.

The Book Club will have its Christmas party/book selection meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m. at the library. We all bring finger foods for a little holiday cheer and anyone who wants to nominates a book for the club to read next year. Then we vote and the top 11 books will become our reading selections for 2018. If you want to nominate a book, come prepared to “sell it” to the group. Tell us a little about it and why it would be a good read. Whoever nominates a book, leads the discussion on it.

This Saturday, Dec. 9, the library will be open for its regular hours of 10 a.m.-2 p.m., but it will also be open that evening before, during and after the Christmas parade. The library will re-open at 4:30 p.m. Saturday evening and will be open until 7:30 p.m., so if it gets too cold for you outside or you need to take a break, just come in and join us.

Beginning, Wednesday, Dec. 13, our Math Club will resume. We will have a class for Pre-K through 2 at 3 p.m. and 3rd through 5th grades will have a class at 4 p.m. Please call the library at (706) 657-7857 to register as these classes are limited in number.

Thanks to everyone who turned in Food for Fines. You cleared up some of your fines, and the food is on its way to our local Food Bank.

Need a recommendation for a good book? Although he is a very popular author, I had never read any books by David Baldacci until recently when I read Memory Man. It was a great read! It is book 1 in his Amos Decker series (there are two more), and I already have them both lined up to read.

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