Children play in the suds at Dade's July 4 celebration at Jenkins Park. (Photo by Ginnie Sams)
Temperatures soared into the 90s Wednesday, so not only were wet attractions like the modern outdoor one depicted above, and the more old-fashioned one of splashing in Town Creek, especially welcome at Dade Independence Day celebration, even a surprise thunderstorm in the afternoon that dumped buckets of rain on festival goers didn't ruin the party. There was still an impressive crowd gathered at nightfall to watch the fireworks.
Another big rainstorm hit just before 10 p.m. but it considerately held off until the fireworks had ended--which took a while. The colorful aerial display lasted 21 minutes and there was enough gunpowder in the air by the end that the park smelled like a battle zone.
Celebration organizer Nathan Wooten said the fireworks were operated by local citizen Josh White, who has some pyrotechnic training. Wooten would not say what the fireworks cost or who paid for them.
The Dade Chamber of Commerce along with many other local institutions, businesses, nonprofits and citizen volunteers contributed to this free event.