(Contributed photo of a Probe fair from a previous year.)
The annual free Probe College Fair will come to Dade County High School next Friday, Oct. 12, from 9:30-11 a.m.
This yearly college event brings representatives from hundred of colleges and universities and for many high school students is the first and best way to get information about where they might want to continue their education after graduation. It is designed to give high school sophomores a head start on their college search and provide high school juniors with ample opportunity to learn more about schools from all over the state.
It also gives colleges a chance to recruit local students.
The Probe program is managed by the Georgia Education Articulation Committee (GEAC), whose sole mission is to disseminate information and stimulate interest in postsecondary education for students in Georgia.
To see a full list of participating schools, or to preregister for the event, students may visit www.gaprobe.org. Probe is also on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GeorgiaProbe.