Library manager Marshana Sharp and a jail trusty assemble part of tonight's chocolate factory at the library.
Attention, denizens o' Dade and the Rising Fawn Metro Area! Sure, it's drizzling a little, so it's all right to follow your coffee cup around the house a little longer in bathrobe and tube socks, do the crossword, catch up on The Planet. But it's not supposed to keep raining all day long, and anyway today is not just any Saturday. Two important events are in store:
(1) Dade County Public Library staffers, and a significant number of Dade's workforce in yellow, the jail trusties without whose labor the county might well grind to a halt, have been working feverishly to transform the library into Willie Wonka's fabled chocolate factory. Rain, schmain, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. the library will stage its yearly Halloween gala complete with costumes and candy. The other festivities and booths around the town square, provided by the Dade Chamber of Commerce, are more weather-dependent, but the library fete will go forward rain or shine. Up and at 'em!
(2) Saturday voting is from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. today at the Dade Administrative Building for the general election Nov. 6. Early voting continues through next Friday but this is the only Saturday date.
At stake is only one local office, the District 1 Dade County Commission seat, which Lamar Lowery and Patrick Hickey are both seeking, Lowrey running as a Democrat and Hickey as a Republican. But the governor's mansion is up for grabs as well as a number of other state seats.
So up and at 'em, readers! If you haven't voted, or if you have a trick-or-treater in the house spoiling for action, brush the teeth and jump in the shower already. Don't miss Saturday!