Closed for Construction! The playground at the county park has been razed to make room for new.
Upgrading the playground at Dade's Four Fields athletic complex is one item on the county's plate right now--but not on the county commission's agenda for its regular November meeting on Thursday night. Still, maybe the commissioners will provide an update on the work at the Nov. 1 meeting.
Commissioners approved $16,000 to buy gently-used play equipment for the park at last month's meeting. Parents have long begged the commission for new, more engaging equipment at the park, but modern, child-safe equipment is so expensive that the commission deferred the purchase from year to year until, shortly before the October meeting, it had a chance to buy used pieces from a county that had gotten a grant to buy all-new.
Another Four Fields issue is the picnic pavilions that remain picnic-table-less months after their construction. The county installed tables in only one of the four pavilions, saying the other three must wait until the park's new $17,342 security camera system (approved in June) was up and running and protecting Dade's investment. When will that be? Thursday is the time to ask, denizens of Dade!
Again, the agenda for Thursday's meeting does not mention those concerns. It does feature adjustments to the county transfer station's rates for household waste, which topic in The Planet's experience always makes for impassioned debate from the citizenry.
The meeting is at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 1, in the county Administrative Building.