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Writer's pictureRobin Ford Wallace

New Home Grocery Robbed: Details Sketchy

Detective Don Hicks of the Dade County Sheriff's Office confirmed there was an armed robbery at New Home Grocery Sunday night but said he didn't have much else to release on it so far.

"One of my detectives is working on it right now," said Hicks, "but we don't have much on it except possibly that a big white car was involved."

No arrests have been made and so far there are no suspects, though Hicks said as far as he knows only one perpetrator was involved. He could not say how much money was taken, but he did comment that no one was badly hurt. "The clerk did say he was knocked down, but we didn't see any injuries on him," said Hicks. "He's doing fine now."

He said the clerk didn't know if there was security video of the robbery, and the sheriff's office is waiting to hear from the store owner if footage is in fact available.

Hicks said the investigation is in its earliest stage and that more information may be available later.

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