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Watch Out For GDOT Crews on Interstates This Week!

​Georgia Department of Transportation maintenance crews will today begin repairing the cable rail along Interstates 59 and 24 in Dade County. Work will proceed daily between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., weather permitting.

It is GDOT's position that guardrail and cable rail maintenance and repair are essential to keeping our roadways safe for the traveling public. Our maintenance workers do their best to keep track of the damage to guard/cable rails and make repairs as quickly as possible in order to preserve road safety.

You know that construction work zones are dangerous, but do you know that they are not always stationary? Moving work zones that conduct maintenance activities like litter pickup, asphalt repair, mowing, edge pavement repair, pavement marking and sweeping may move slowly and stop intermittently.

Treat moving work zones like any other.

  • Pay Attention

  • Slow Down

  • Watch for Workers

  • And always, expect the unexpected. Work zone safety is in your hands. ###

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