District 4 Dade County Commissioner Allan Bradford announced Friday that he has at last set a date for the long-anticipated Tire Amnesty Day at the country transfer station. It will be Saturday, Jan. 12, 2019.
Tire amnesties are sponsored and subsidized by the state Environmental Protection Division. On those days, residents may dump their scrap tires free of charge at the local transfer station, and the state pays for disposal.
Hours for the amnesty will be 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. only. As Bradford has stressed at multiple county commission meetings, and The Planet has duly repeated in these pages, no more than 20 tires will be accepted from each household. Tires must be off the rim, and they must be cleaned out—no mud, rocks, et cetera, said Bradford. No tractor-trailer tires will be accepted and none over 20 inches.
Only Dade County residents may take advantage of the tire amnesty here, and they must come prepared to show proof of residence.