There will be lots of holiday activities going on at the library in the coming month. Be sure and check this article every week so that you don’t miss anything.
Saturday, Dec. 8, is Trenton’s annual Christmas parade. Come out and watch the parade, and there will be more to see afterwards. Immediately after the parade we will have a "Grand Illumination" event at the library and in Veterans Park on the Square. Our friends at Krystal will be providing hot chocolate for those watching and there will also be caroling in the park led by Carey Anderson. A parade, Christmas lights, hot chocolate, and Christmas carols--what could be better?
On Thursdays in December, we will have holiday activities and stories at our Ready-to-Read classes on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
We will have another holiday extravaganza on Tuesday, Dec. 11, when we will host Polar Express Night from 5-7 p.m. at the library. We will be showing a holiday movie and there will be activities and crafts as well. We will have a very special guest this evening. Yes, I’m talking about Santa Claus! Children can have their picture made with Santa Claus and get one free picture. You can make your own pictures as well. McDonald’s will provide coffee and hot chocolate for our guests.
The Book Club will have its Christmas party on Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 7 p.m. This is also the night we select the books that we will be reading and discussing in the coming year. If you’re interested, join us. We bring finger foods and a book to nominate, if you wish. We have already chosen our January book, so if you want to read ahead, it is Before We Were Yours.
Don’t forget that the Friends of the Library still have their historical Christmas ornaments for sale. The latest one is of the Trenton Methodist Church. Ornaments are only $15 and they are available at the library.