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Register for Prime Time Family Program to Help Kids Academically

I’ve just had a sit-down with our library manager, Marshana Sharp, to talk about some of the things planned for the library this year. I won’t get into all of them this week, but here are some and you’ll be hearing about others as the year goes on.

Ready-to-Read, our preschool program, is underway again, still meeting on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Our Family Movie this month will be on Saturday, January 26, at 11 a.m. Bring the kids for a free movie with water and popcorn. Call the library at (706) 657-7857 for the movie title.

The Library Board will meet at 5 p.m. on Thursday, January 24. Dade Family Connections meets on January 24 at noon.

Prime Time Family is returning to the library in February and March. What is Prime Time? Prime Time is a unique, humanities-based and family-focused program proven to help children succeed academically and bond families around reading. Weekly storytelling, reading and discussion sessions featuring award-winning children’s books are conducted by scholars and storytellers.

The Dade County Library has hosted this program before and it’s been very successful. It will begin on Tuesday, February 5, and will meet every Tuesday night from then until March 12 from 6-7:30 in the evening. A meal is provided. Children will receive free books to build their home library. Door prizes will be given away each week.

Prime Time is for children 6-10 years of age and parents attend with their child. There will be activities provided for younger children, if needed. Preregistration is necessary so that we can know how many people to prepare for. Call the library at (706) 657-7857 or email

After our list for the Book Club came out last week, we’ve had some questions about how to get the books. The library will have a copy of each book, but since we sometimes have 12-15 people at Book Club, it’s impossible for everyone to check out that one book. Here are some other possibilities:

The library can get copies of books from other libraries on interlibrary loan. This is a free service for our patrons, but you need to allow some time. It sometimes takes a week or two to get the book.

You might also be able to access the book through our digital reading service, RB Digital. If you don’t already have access to this, please ask about it at the library and our staff will get you signed up.

Our local bookstore, Books New & Used/Books Never Ending, may also have, or will also order, copies of the books.

The book should all be available at other bookstores or online at

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