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Historical Society Hosts Hike to Coke Ovens Feb. 16

Mark your calendar for Saturday, February 16, when the Dade Historical Society will sponsor another venture into the ruins of the mining and coal coking works at Cole City on Sand Mountain.

(Photo: File shot of Dade coke oven ruins.)

Plans are still in the works with the landowners as to where we will begin and end the hike. Details will be announced on this news source and social media as quickly as we have the details finalized.

If you don’t think you can hike the mile or two that will be required to get to the lower level from the Big Woods, then get those boots out and begin walking so you won’t get blisters. Failing that, there will also be four-wheeled vehicles to take those of us who are not as nimble as we once were down the mountain to the ruins. There will also be an outdoor toilet located in the woods for those who don’t favor being that close to nature.

There is no charge for this hike, but we do encourage you or at least one person in your group to become a member of the Historical Society. Our activities this year are going to require some additional people and if you are interested in the things that we do, then please consider becoming a member. Dues are $10.

When the departure point is finalized, the directions for that Saturday morning will be posted. They will also be sent to anyone who signs up to come to the hike on email, so we need an email address and a phone contact number.

You may sign up at the Dade County Library. Please include your name or the name of the contact person for your group, a valid email address and a contact phone number.

The first 70 persons (not groups) will be included in this trip. The last day to sign up at the library will be Friday, February 15, at 4 p.m.

For those who are interested, here is a copy of the DCHSGA 2019 activities calendar.

Dade County Historical Society

2019 Calendar of Activities

Jan 15 2019 Planning by Officers

Feb 12 Planning Cemetery Walk 1pm

Feb 16 Cole City Hike 10:30pm Sat

Mar Cemetery Committee Work

Mar 30 Regular meeting 10:30am Sat.

April Begin typing M. McMahan book

May 18 Brock Cemetery Walk 4-6pm

June National Cemetery Project plans

July 20 Regular meeting 10:30am Sat

Aug 6 Genealogy Workshop Tues. 6-8

Sept 12 Cave Symposium Thursday 7-9

Oct 12 Regular Meeting 10:30 AM Sat

Nov 5 Genealogy Workshop 6-8 Tues

Dec 7 Christmas Gathering time TBD

(Coordinates with Parade)

Join us for a busy year of fun. Dues are $10 per year.

Contact us on Facebook at Dade County Historical Society of

Trenton, Georgia.

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--Donna Street

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