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Remember Ready to Read This Saturday!

Thursday’s Ready to Read class will focus on Community Helpers, who they are and what they do to help us. That takes place on Thursday, March 22, at 10:30 a.m. at the library. It will be a great introduction for our Read to Lead Program on Saturday, March 23, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

At Read to Lead, there will be stories read by those Community Helpers and entertainment by the Davis Elementary Chorus. Some of our readers this year will be Trenton Mayor Alex Case, Dade County Commissioner Ted Rumley, Sheriff Ray Cross, Trenton Chief of Police Christy Smith and Dade Elementary Principal Tracy Blevins. We will have free children’s books, games, crafts, haircuts, Noah’s Ark Petting Zoo, face painting, and a photo booth. Door prizes will include local attraction tickets. This event is sponsored by Dade First Family Connections and the Dade County Public Library. Bring the kids and join the fun.

The Teen Leadership Council will meet on Tuesday, March 26, at 6 p.m.

There will be a free computer class at the library on Tuesday, March 26, at 5:30 p.m. This class will be focus on banking fraud and Internet scams and will be taught be employees from the Bank of Dade.

Tax forms are still available at the library, Federal Forms 1040 and the instructions and Georgia Forms 500 and 500EZ.

Linda Wilson is everybody's favorite retired English teacher and a faithful library volunteer.

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