The governing board of the Dade County Water and Sewer Authority will hold a special called meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2, in the Dade County Administration Building. The only action item on the agenda is "Consideration of Doug Anderton Retirement Plan."
Doug Anderton is retiring in June after 48 years as manager of the local water company. The board held a special called meeting last week to announce his replacement.
What part of Anderton's retirement plan cannot wait for the water board's regular April meeting on the 19th? As a personnel matter, it's sure to be a behind-closed-doors discussion. But The Planet will faithfully pass on whatever information it is capable of gathering.
Meanwhile, the regular monthly meeting of the Dade County Commission is on Thursday, April 4, also in the Administrative Building; and that of the city of Trenton is at 6 p.m. the ensuing Monday, April 8, at City Hall.