It has been another exciting week in 4-H! Last week was Georgia Agricultural Awareness Week, and we participated in several activities to help celebrate.
On Ag Literacy Day, we went to the kindergarten classes of Mrs. Thlisa Ambrose and Mr. Madison Ambrose at Dade Elementary School to read books about where our food comes from (hint: it’s not from the store). Mrs. Ambrose’s class heard How Did That Get in My Lunchbox? The Story of Food by Chris Butterworth. Mr. Ambrose’s class enjoyed PB&J Hooray! by Janet Nolan. Both books emphasized that our food starts on farms and then makes its way through several steps to get to the grocery store. That’s important information for our future consumers to know!
(Photo: Your narrator reads to youngsters on Ag Literacy Day.)
The Dade Elementary third grade learned about animal adaptations. They talked about four of the most common forms of adaptations: camouflage, mimicry, hibernation and migration.
Animals who blend in with their surroundings to hide from predators or prey are using camouflage. An example of mimicry is an animal whose appearance scares off predators because it is similar to a more dangerous animal. Some animals hibernate to survive. They sleep for most of the winter when food is scarce and the weather is cold.
Migration is another way animals handle weather that is too hot or too cold. They migrate to a location with a temperature that is better for them or better for their food source.
Once we talked about examples of these animal adaptations, the students invented their own animals. They drew never-before-seen animals, gave them original names, listed which animal adaptations they used, and described what special features or abilities their animals had. There are some amazing imaginations in the third grade!
The Davis Elementary fifth-grade classes are preparing for Market Day in May. Each student is choosing a good or service to sell on that day. This month each student brainstormed ideas for a good or service they could provide on Market Day. They are now in the process of narrowing down their choices to one idea. Then they will write a business plan to describe what product or service they have chosen.
They will need to list all the supplies needed, what all of their expenses will be, how much they will charge, and how many of the items they think they can sell. Next month they will submit their business plans for approval. From the preliminary ideas we have seen, this will be a very interesting Market Day!
We still have a few spaces left for any fourth, fifth, or sixth grader who would like to go to 4-H Cloverleaf Summer Camp at Rock Eagle on June 3-7. Total cost is $305 for the week, including transportation to and from camp. Come by the Ag Center to register!