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4-H BB Winners Announced

Last week we held the first annual Dade County 4-H BB Competition for our county teams. We have had two groups that practiced all season, one on Tuesday afternoons and one on Thursday afternoons. Each group competed on their usual practice day.

The competitions included all four positions: prone, standing, sitting and kneeling. The BB safety knowledge test was also a part of the overall score.

Our Tuesday winners were:

  • Mason Gann – First Place;

  • Landon Allen – Second Place;

  • and Ashton Clark – Third Place.

The Thursday winners were

Nayla Smith – First Place;

Kylie Lawson – Second Place;

and Hannah Paul – Third Place.

We would like to thank this year’s coaches – Daniel Jones, John Price, Chip Geddie and Denny Reyes. We appreciate their dedication to instructing the 4-H’ers in gun safety and shooting skills.

If your fourth- through eighth-grader would like to join a Dade County 4-H S.A.F.E. Shooting Sports BB Team next year, watch for the announcement in the fall on our “Dade County 4-H” Facebook page. You can also call the Extension office at 706-657-4116 for more information.

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