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Charity Barton Named Principal at Davis; Ingle Goes to Central Office

The Dade County Board of Education at its Monday meeting approved a major personnel change: Charity Barton will be the new principal at Davis Elementary next fall. She is currently assistant principal at Dade High School.

Josh Ingle (below) the current Davis principal, will move to Central Office, where he will be the system's director of security and federal programs, replacing the retiring Debra Brackett in the latter slot. Superintendent of Schools Jan Harris said Ingle's transfer was approved at the board's March meeting.

(Photo from the Dade County Schools website.)

Ingle had been transferred to Davis from the principal's slot at DCHS in 2017, swapping jobs with then-Davis principal James Fahrney, who remains principal at the high school.

Dr. Harris's three years as superintendent at the system have been characterized by sweeping leadership changes of this kind. Asked for comment, she did not comment on reasons for Ingle's travels through the system but praised Ms. Barton's abilities, naming her as her own personal choice for the Davis job. She specified, though, that Ms. Barton had been selected unanimously to fill the top slot at Davis by a 12-member search committee of which Dr. Harris was a member.

"Charity Barton is an outstanding employee," said the super. "She has done an exemplary job at the high school."

Dr. Harris said Ms. Barton has two children currently enrolled at Dade Elementary she plans to switch with her to Davis.

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