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Fourth of July at Jenkins

The weather cooperated Thursday for the second annual 1945 Dade County Fair (except for the part where it was hotter than billy hell but this is the South, right? In July, so what did you expect?) Anyway, it didn't rain--much--and turnout was vigorous. If you didn't make it, here are a few choice shots, by The Planet's fabulous and talented Art Department, Jerry Wallace.

The do was family-friendly, with a bubble machine, slides like these for the younger set, and a creek running through it for morose adults who would rather cool off by just sitting and dangling their feet.

Among the lunch options was a chance to support our local fire volunteer firefighters! Which civic responsibility The Planet and its Art Department were delighted to fulfill since the Q was sensational! Good work, guys and gals of Davis FD!

Trenton had gone to some trouble to make Jenkins Park handicapped-accessible, and dog lover Barbara Havlin had gone to some trouble decking her doggie wheelchair out in stars and stripes for the Fourth. It was great seeing everybody have a chance to enjoy the holiday.

There was live music all afternoon. Here is "Double Cross" playin' the hell out of some kickass bluegrass. You sounded great, guys!

The evening ended in fireworks but The Planet's camera does not stretch to night skies so must end its coverage here. But it was a great do and The Planet joins the grateful throngs in thanking the volunteers who threw the party, especially organizer extraordinaire Nathan Wooten, who works so hard to make things happen in Dade!

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