Only two more Summer Reading programs for kids and these are a little different from the others:
On Friday, July 12, we will have a Moon Gazing Party at the library at 8:30 p.m. It needs to be dark for this program. The program will be led by the local astronomy club and telescopes will be set up for the kids to use. Come and see and talk about some cool things in space.
Our very last program will be a Science Fair on Thursday, July 18, at 10:30 a.m. Some of our staff members will demonstrate three different science experiments and we will have several stations set up around the library for students to get some hands-on experience. Lastly, each kid will get to make some slime to take home. Mark these dates on your calendars.
The Book Club will meet on Tuesday, July 16, at 7 p.m. to discuss The Pale Criminal by Philip Kerr. This is an historical detective novel and the second in Kerr’s Berlin Noir trilogy set in Nazi Germany. Anyone interested is welcome.
The final Adult Summer Reading event will be on Saturday, July 20, at the library from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Several local authors will be present. We will celebrate these authors and their books. We will have light refreshments and the authors will be signing books. Bring your book or some will be on hand for purchase.
Some of the authors who will be present are Rex Blevins, Robert (Bobby) Bradford, former Chattooga Co. sheriff Gary W. McConnell and our own Dave Connis (former library staff member who is publishing his second YA book).
On the same day as the local authors’ book signing, there will also be a meeting of the Dade County Historical Society, Saturday, July 20 at 10:30 a.m., so come for both! This is a regular meeting, and members will discuss plans for a genealogy workshop in August and a Cave Symposium in September.
The Tween Book Club will meet on Tuesday, July 23 at 3 p.m.
There will be three classes at the library presented by Taste and See about cooking for diabetics. The classes will be held on July 16, 23 and 30 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Some of the subjects are Simple Recipes, Nutrition Counseling, Practical Cooking Ideas and
Up-to-Date Health Talks. These classes are FREE to the public.
Linda Wilson is everybody's favorite retired English teacher and a faithful library volunteer.