Georgia Public Library Service is proud to offer eRead Kids. This free collection of ebooks and audio books is for kids in pre-K to fourth grade. It’s a mix of fiction and nonfiction titles that can be downloaded onto computers, tablets and smartphones. Check out eRead Kids at your library or anywhere with an Internet connection. All you need is your library card. Ask your librarian or visit .
Ready-to-Read is underway again. This program is for children from 0 to 5, but older siblings are welcome. The program is on Thursday mornings at 10:30. There is a story time followed a craft time.
The next event in the library's Waste Reduction series will be this Thursday, Aug. 22, at 6 p.m. at the library. The documentary Wasted! The Story of Food Waste will be shown. Attendees will enjoy nonalcoholic beverages mixed with locally sourced herbal ingredients along with the screening of the documentary. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by calling the library at (706) 657-7857 to reserve your place and be entered in a drawing for a door prize.
On Tuesday, Aug. 27, Dade-First Family Connections presents a Parent Café on Childhood Mental Health from Four Points Inc. Come learn about childhood mental health and how to help your child be emotionally healthy. The program is from 6 to 7 p.m. at the library. There will be a free children’s program, dinner and door prizes. Please RSVP at the library (706-657-7857) or by calling Martha Baker at 423-883-6938.
There will be a job fair at the Dade County Public Library on Tuesday, August 27, from 1 to 7 p.m. Human resources managers will be here from Gill Industries, Integer,
Food City, McDonald’s, Krystal, Ingles and more! Call the library if you have any questions.
Linda Wilson is everybody's favorite retired English teacher and a faithful library volunteer. Email her at