Realtor Careyee Bell has joined the race for Trenton fire/utilities commissioner, making it a three-way contest, while nobody but the incumbents seems to want to be mayor or streets commissioner.
(Photo of Ms. Bell from her realty website)
As qualifying closes this afternoon, it seems a safe bet that Alex Case and Monda Wooten will remain mayor and streets commissioner, respectively, since no one has stepped up to challenge them. That makes the Nov. 5 election even more lopsided as former City Clerk Lucretia Houts, firefighter Cody Doyle and Ms. Bell fight it out for the spot Jerry Henegar is vacating at the end of this year.
Politicking opportunities are few and far between for city positions--candidates often do not even bother showing up at city meetings--and voter turnout tends to be dismal, usually around 200.
But The Planet's universe is small, the more contentious county elections are not until 2020, and The Planet promises faithfully to deliver its readers all such news and nuances of the city election as are within its abilities to harvest, glean or intuit.