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Wreaths Across America: Remembering Dade County Veterans

Gail Moore Hedden

The Dade County Historical Society is pleased to announce our plans to participate in the Wreaths Across America program held each year at the Chattanooga National Cemetery. We are pleased to be joined in this effort by the American Legion Post 106, American Legion Auxiliary for Post 106, and the Mary & Martha Christ Group of the Trenton United Methodist Church. The Mary & Martha Christ Group have participated in this cause in the past and are pleased to once again join in this effort.

This program is administered by a private nonprofit organization whose goal is to place a wreath on the grave of every veteran buried in national cemeteries for the Christmas holidays each year. Chattanooga National Cemetery has 46,000 graves and to date, the organization has been able to raise funds to place wreaths on about 10,000 graves each year. Because enough funds are not available to decorate each grave, the Chattanooga organization rotates the sections that are decorated. The cost to place a wreath is $15 and a specific grave can be designated to receive a wreath.

The Dade group’s goal is to place a wreath on every Dade County veteran’s grave. The first step to do this is to identify the veterans. The second step is to raise funds to buy the wreaths. The third step is to provide volunteers to locate the graves and place the wreaths on December 14, 2019. We are asking for the help of Dade County’s citizens to accomplish our goals.

How can you help? First, contact us with the name of your loved one buried in the Chattanooga National Cemetery. We are accepting not only the names of veterans from Dade County but also Dade County residents whose loved ones from anywhere are veterans buried in Chattanooga. Thus far we have identified over 100 veterans. See their names below.

Second, you can donate to the cause. Each wreath is $15, or $10 each for three or more wreaths. We will gladly accept all donations of all amounts to help purchase the wreaths. If you want to donate for a particular veteran, we will see that your money is used for his/her specific site.

Third, volunteer to fundraise or to physically help place the wreaths on December 14, 2019.

This is just the beginning of this campaign. We will keep you informed of our progress. To contact us with the name of a veteran, donate to the cause or volunteer to assist in this effort, please contact Gail Hedden at or 423-987-3713, or send donations payable to WAA (Wreaths Across America) Dade County to 2267 Slygo Rd, Trenton GA 30752. Or call Julie Williams 423-802-9160 of the Mary and Martha Christ Group, or Rethal Alexander 423-364-4781 of the American Legion Auxiliary for more information.

This effort is just beginning so watch for more details in the future. Thank you for helping us succeed in this effort.

--Gail Hedden

William Michael Abney William Larry Hughes W W Williams

Sgt. Ray Allen Albert G Jacoway Jerry H Wirchball

Thomas Murray Anderson Zelpha Kennedy

Edward Wayne Andrews Mrs. Ruby King

William Luther Angle Ira James Lake

J C Clifford Ayers Maj John P Lee

Willie Lee Baker Charles Patrick Light

John J Barbee Joseph W Light

Richard Lwellyn Bennett Mrs. Stella Mae McCarty

Paul Franklin Boyd Charles Robert Mooneyhan

Clifford W Broadwater Carl Able Moore

William Hance Broom John W Moore

Thomas B Bullard Imogene Morgan

Pat Kenneth Carroll Randy Niceswanger

Alvin Castleberry James Patrick O’Connor Jr.

Robert J Chadwick George G Oliver

James C Cole John A Palmer

Lawrence J Cole Robert B Paris

Eric Jay Cornell George Patton

Floyd Fremon Crane Jr Leroy Morrison Peppers

Vernon Cureton Horace Grady Prince

Woodrow W Daniel Bert Raines

Walter L Daniels Jr George Wade Reeves

William C Densmore Ernest M Reynolds

Johnny Edward Drew Sr Pearl Rousseau

Paul Lamar Dugan B Frank Sells

Joseph B Fugatt Joe Lue Gene Shadowens

William Ray Fuller Willard Eugene Short

James Leonard Garner John W Shrader

Ollie Goodwin Bert Smith

Johnnie Hamby Douglas Smith

Willard Ray Harris Ernest Smith

John Thomas Harwell Roger Jay Smith

Roy Haskell Bonnie Ellen Spears

General Gene Herron Donald Lee Spurgin Jr

Clyde Hester Thaddeus Adam Stein

John Hobbs J O Stewart

Charles Wallace Hitt Jr Charles Raymond Street

Morrell Holcomb Donald Edward Street

Glenn Holleman James Hubert Taliffero

Bert W Holtzhower Allie Raymond Varnell Jr

Leonard E Holtzhower Donald Leete Wallace

Henry Wayne Hooper Charles Ward

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