Start planning your Christmas activities now! Plan to come by Trenton United Methodist Church before the Christmas parade on December 14 and view a beautiful exhibit of more than 100 manger scenes crafted in a variety of artistic media.
This exhibit is part of an extensive collection belonging to Judy Hunt, a longtime resident of Trenton. Judy says that she always enjoyed the visual storytelling ability of nativity scenes, and she has been collecting manger scenes for more than 30 years. Friends and family have added to her collection throughout the years and at this time, her collection has grown to more than 300 sets.
Judy doesn’t box up her collection after the holiday. Instead, Judy decorates her home year-round using various sets as a focal point. This allows her to enjoy them every day, not just at Christmas. She has graciously agreed to share her collection with Dade County this year in conjunction with the Christmas parade.
The exhibit will begin at 4 p.m. and continues until 6 p.m. (the beginning of the parade). The church will be offering free coffee, hot chocolate and cookies to attendees. Restrooms are available.
--Dottie Abercrombie