Christy Smith, Trenton's pulchritudinous police pontiff, appeared in today's update to assure citizens the TPD is still on the job.
There was little new information in Monday's Dade County 3 p.m. COVID-19 shutdown update. Dade County Executive Chairman Ted Rumley read as has become his daily custom the count of Georgia virus cases and deaths: Cases are up today to 722 from 600 on Sunday, deaths from 23 to 25. There are virus cases as close as Bryant, Ala., but still no confirmed cases in Dade itself. Rumley said he'd announce the expected but unwelcome news of any as soon as he got it himself. "I promise you that," he said.
Rumley stressed that the 18-to-59-year-old age group is seeing the largest number of infections and urged all to follow the social-distancing and hygiene guidelines to avoid getting sick. "There are still a lot of people not taking it serious," he said. He also asked owners of local businesses to make sure their workers were kept safe, with access to basic safety measures such as hand sanitizer. "Make that extra effort for employees," he said.
Rumley reiterated from a Sunday update that Dade has declared a state of emergency. This, he explained, gives the county access to funds and supplies and allows it latitude to take care of emergency procedures the way it did during the tornado aftermath of 2011. "It's basically the same thing we did then," said Rumley. He added that Dade Emergency Services Director Alex Case was unable to report, being tied up in a conference call with GEMA (Georgia Emergency Management Agency) about the situation. Rumley also said the county's two new walk-up teller windows--put up at lightning speed at the voter registration and tag-and-title offices of the Administrative Buildings--are working well.
Speaking of teller windows, Rumley also repeated from the weekend that Citizens Bank and Bank of Dade are open for business but have closed their lobbies. Customers may bank online or by phone, and loan business can still be done by appointment. "Just call the bank and they'll make it work for you," he said.
Trenton Police Chief Christy Smith made her first appearance to these daily updates, explaining she'd been ill and "socially distancing" herself. She assured all that the Trenton cops are still patrolling and checking on the elderly. They can be reached at (706) 657-4167 though City Hall has, like other public buildings, been closed to the public. She urged residents to spend this stranger interlude taking care of home projects they didn't usually have time for and to help control the virus by following the rules. "Please do your part," she said.

Sheriff Ray Cross said his office is also focusing on the elderly during this crisis by starting a grocery and prescription pickup service for sick and elderly residents who may not have anybody else to look after these needs. If you need that service, or you know someone who does, please contact Sgt. Chad Payne at (706) 944-3329.
Sheriff Cross repeated that the SO and jail are closed to the public and directed all to jailatm.com for video inmate visits or to transfer money, or to Info@ dadesheriff.com to request reports. "We are now checking temperatures of anyone coming into the jail, and this includes attorneys," said Cross. "If that virus gets back there, it's going to be bad."
Central Office staffer Josh Ingle again reported for Dade Schools and again repeated the Monday and Wednesday free kids' meal dropoff information: Buses deliver food for all kids under 18 four hours after their usual pickup time, or parents may pick up their children's meals at drive-throughs at Davis and Dade elementaries from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Buses will honk their horns if they are early. Digital learning is still going on this week except for Friday, which is a break day. He said the governor will shortly announce a decision about whether or not to extend the school closure past the end of the month.
Lindsay Ryan of the local health department said she had nothing new and urged those who worried they had symptoms of the virus to call their own physician or the Georgia COVID-19 hotline, (844) 442-2681. "The biggest thing, guys, is stay at home," she said.