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Letter to Voters: Vikki Mills Announces "Pro-Life Certification"

Vikki Mills

Editor's note: This is an open letter from Dist. 1 Georgia statehouse candidate Vikki Mills. The Planet, which by no means endorses or condones any of these messages, invites other candidates to share theirs in this space.

Dear Friends, Today I am proud to announce that I have earned the Georgia Life Alliance’s“ pro-life certification” for my consistent and aggressive push to end abortion forever. So far, I am the only candidate in the race to have earned this distinction. Abortion is murder and I want to see it ended with no exceptions. For over thirty years I have been on the frontlines of the pro-life movement. I have taken youth groups to the March for Life for six years in a row and I have marched and protested at state capitols across the country to defend our unborn. This is a cause dear to my heart and you have my word that I will be committed towards ending abortion in Georgia forever should I be elected.

Promoting a culture of life doesn’t stop at ending abortion. I want to outline my vision for a pro-life Georgia below.

1.– Upon my election, I will work with my fellow legislators and leaders in the pro-life movement to defend the Heartbeat Bill from the radical socialist Democrats and the judicial activists. Also, I want to completely defund Planned Parenthood and support healthcare institutions that have the best interests of both the woman and the child at heart.

2. – When our state legislators passed the Heartbeat Bill to protect our unborn, Hollywood studios who receive millions of taxpayer dollars in the form of tax credits threatened to lead a national boycott against our state. We need to revoke these credits and kick Hollywood OUT of Georgia!

3. - As a Christian, I cannot support physician-assisted suicide in keeping with my faith. And as a Registered Nurse and the wife of a cardiologist, it goes against our oaths to “first do no harm”. We are meant to bring healing – not deal death. We must never allow legalized suicide in Georgia!

Friends, if we let the socialist Democrats take over the State Capitol, the lives of tens of thousands of unborn children will be sacrificed on the altar of so-called progressivism. We cannot allow Georgia to go the way of New York and California. Send a proven FIGHTER to the State Capitol to defend the unborn and advance the cause of life. I humbly ask for your support in the Republican Nomination for the Georgia State House of Representatives in District 1.

Vikki Mills is a pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-business Republican running for the Georgia State House of Representatives for District 1. The district covers all of Dade County and portions of Walker County. The General Primary election will occur on June 9th with Early Voting starting May 18th. Voters may vote by mail by completing the Absentee Ballot application sent by the Secretary of State or by requesting an application from their county Board of Elections. Voters can learn more about the campaign at the following links and by contacting Vikki using the contact information below.

Contact: Cell: 615-944-5321 Email: FB:

Voter Information: For more election information you can visit the My Voter Page from the Georgia Secretary of State at the following link: Georgia Life Alliance List of Officially Certified Candidates

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