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Library's Summer Reading Program Will Adapt to COVID-19 Situation

Linda Wilson

Everything is different in 2020, and that will be true of the library’s summer reading program, too. Our theme is Imagine Your Story. There will be no live performances this year, but we have a lot of fun things planned!

Come by the library any time during operating hours for mini-museums, fairy-tale activities, and make-and-take crafts. Pick up your craft kit weekly and join us every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. on Facebook Live for step-by-step instructions to complete your project.

Don’t forget to log your reading progress on for a chance to win prizes! Registration for the Summer Reading Club begins May 15 and runs through June 1. Summer Reading activities will begin June 1 and run through July 19. You can register your children online at . Next week I will have information about some of the weekly activities.

The library will continue our same post-lockdown hours for the next two weeks: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Watch our Facebook page for changes to that, or I’ll alert you in this column.

Our Book Club met this week via Zoom to discuss Confederates in the Attic. Do you know how many Confederates you have in your attic? I have five and I also have three that were in the Union Army, but lived around here. You can learn more about your ancestors at the library where you can access for free.

Our book selection for June is another war story, this time a fictional story, Lost Roses by Martha Hall Kelly. Lost Roses is based on true events that happened during World

War I. Kelly is also the author of Lilac Girls, which appeared on PBS.

Linda Wilson is everybody's favorite retired English teacher and a faithful library volunteer. You can email her at

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