Because of the weeks the library has been closed, and with everything else that is going on (or not going on), I have failed to introduce our newest staff member, Cristy Ballard. Cristy is our new children’s specialist and many of you will probably meet her when you come by this summer. She’s been very busy during the pandemic, posting activities on Facebook that your kids can do at home, and she is preparing more for them to take home during Summer Reading. Welcome, Cristy Ballard!
Registration for Summer Reading opened Friday, May 15, and will be open until June 1. Go to to register your children for this program, just as you did last year. You will record the books they read on BeanStack and prizes will be given based on their reading progress. Remember, there will be no live programming, but there will be activities and take-home projects for kids. Please come by and check out plenty of books!
The first week’s activity is slated for Thursday, June 4, and that is the Reading Room Reveal. What is this? I don’t know exactly, but won’t it be fun to find out? I’ll give more information on this next week. Each week on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m., there will be a virtual program on Facebook Live. Be sure and pick up craft kits for your kids so they will be ready for it.
For the time being, the library is still on limited hours, but we will let you know when that changes.
Have you completed your 2020 census report? It is very simple, only about nine questions, and can be done online. If you need some assistance, we have a computer at the library dedicated for census reporting and we will help you get started. An accurate census is very important for funding and could even affect funds for things like library programs. We have lots of swag bags to give out to folks who come in to fill out their census report.
Once again, the library is helping out with the distribution of the school meals given out during the summer. This year, a week’s worth of breakfasts and lunches will be given for each child or teen, ages 1 to 18. The distribution will be on Wednesdays only. Meals may be picked up at Dade and Davis Elementary Schools between 10:30 a.m. and noon. This will be a drive-by pickup. From noon to 2 p.m., meals will be available at the Dade County Public Library. Pull up into the driveway that goes around the library (east side/right side), and call (706) 657-7857 and let us know how many meals are needed. Someone will bring them out to your car from this side door. No meals will be eaten on the premises.
Although we aren’t having any programs at the library currently, most of our services are available, including regular checkouts, interlibrary loans through PINES and computer use. Today, I needed something notarized, and our manager Mrs. Sharp is a notary and she can do that for you. There is a small fee.
I heard the staff mention that someone was coming in to take a GED test online. Monitoring tests is a service the library offers, again, for a fee. We’re still sending
faxes and making copies as well, and curbside service is still available for those who need it.
Linda Wilson is everybody's favorite English teacher and a faithful library volunteer. You can email her at