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Library Resumes In-Person Kids' Programs

Linda Wilson

The exhibit “Rightfully Hers,” which celebrates the 19th amendment, when women got the right to vote, will be at the library throughout the month of August. Come by any time to view the exhibit.

The staff has resumed Thursday morning children’s programs on Facebook Live. There will be a story and a project to complete. Come by the library the week before and pick up materials needed for the project. The program will air on Facebook Live each Thursday at 10:30 a.m., but it can be viewed any time after that, so join Ms. Cristy at your convenience.

There will be a monthly virtual program for teens and tweens as well. Check the library’s Facebook page for announcements about this.

If your kids haven’t seen the castle and the dragon in the library, come by and let them enjoy it while it’s still here.

Computers are available for use at the library. Just come to the desk to check out a keyboard and mouse as we keep them there and sanitize them between each use. They are available for students’ use as well and our wifi in the parking lot can be used any time, day or night. No password is necessary to use the wifi.

The census representative at the library looked a little lonely today. If you haven’t completed your 2020 census, come by and she will assist you. It can be done in just a few minutes. The census is mandated in the U.S. Constitution and the numbers are

used to allot our representatives and federal funding to the states. Right now, Dade’s count is very low. Take care of this civic duty and get help at the library, if you need it.

Linda Wilson is everybody's favorite retired English teacher and a faithful library volunteer. Email her at

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